Jay Johnson: A Profile

Marketing is about passion. That passion must be about more than an incredible product. You have to have passion for data, analytics, user experience, and most importantly about the team you are working with. Building a team that understands and flourishes in a fast paced environment where learning and adapting on the goal is essential. In order for them to be able to do it they need to be led by someone who has a passion for data analysis and strategy.

It’s what I do.

Building a team that can then execute and maintain that strategy allows you to have that consistency over the long haul. And, that is just as important as an incredible strategy. I thrive in finding people that I can surround myself with that know how to do their job and are just as excited to learn and grow as I am. Challenge them. I arm them with up to the minute relevant data. Reward them. Listen to them. And then, great things happen.

That is who I am.